We are a London-based organisation whose core focus is to support black people living with cancer. We exist to reduce healthcare inequalities for people of colour and challenge the many taboos surrounding cancer.

Our Vision

Our organisation was established in early 2020, starting life as a Facebook group that offered a safe space for Black people living with cancer (and their carers). We exist to address the healthcare inequalities for Black cancer patients and to challenge the taboos that force Black people with a cancer diagnosis to experience feelings of guilt and shame whilst battling their illness.

Our Vision

We seek to ensure that Black people with a cancer diagnosis have access to equal care via

1. Community (providing a regular online and face to face support group, training and information for Black cancer patients to be empowered in their cancer journey)

2. Advocacy (campaigning and promoting access to equal care for Black cancer patients, offering cultural sensitivity training to medical professionals to help them better engage with the Black community)

3. Research (supporting critical research and data analysis to encourage better access to equal healthcare for Black cancer patients)

What we offer


Support Groups

We offer support throughout the entire cancer journey and the group enables the Black community to express how they feel with people they are culturally aligned with. Fortnightly support meetings are held, where all members come together to catch up and gather relevant information.


We provide workshops. Our workshops are based on training and awareness with a facilitator or organisation.

Hospital Visits

We can accompany members and those who need it to hospital appointments. Many Black people often don’t lean on family members due to taboos within the community. The provision of this service allows us to support individuals on their journey by helping them to communicate effectively with their healthcare providers.

Support Line

We will shortly be offering a support line as an alternative to our face-to-face group sessions.

Nutritional advice

From Me to You can provide access to an Oncology dietician to advise our members on culturally specific beneficial food sources. Not only do we signpost the individual to a nutritionist that is aligned with their needs, we can also accompany members on nutritionist visits if needed.


From Me to You: The Art of Survival will be releasing a podcast with a renowned celebrity broadcaster who is also a cancer survivor. This will be released in 2024.

Community Socials

Our socials help members to engage with others who have undergone similar journeys to form new meaningful relationships. This camaraderie aids in helps to rebuild confidence and self-esteem.


Black inclusion in Clinical trials

We offer support throughout the entire cancer journey and the group enables the Black community to express how they feel with people they are culturally aligned with. Fortnightly support meetings are held, where all members come together to catch up and gather relevant information.

Sensitivity Training

We deliver training to medical professionals to help develop their knowledge, skills, and awareness. It focuses on cultural awareness, knowledge, sensitivity, communication, and more. The goal is to enhance professionals’ cultural competence and promote equitable and respectful interactions.


We have successfully organised panel discussions as part of our ‘Cancer Loss of Identity Series’. These not only involve those with cancer but the whole community.



We engage in collaborative efforts with researchers to provide vital information. By partnering with experts, we ensure accurate and relevant data is shared effectively. Together, we bridge the gap between research findings and community needs, fostering a symbiotic relationship that benefits both parties.

Data Collection

We actively collaborate on data collection initiatives within our field. Through strategic partnerships and concerted efforts, we gather crucial information to enhance our understanding. Our focus on comprehensive data collection empowers informed decision-making and drives progress in addressing community needs effectively.

Support Groups

We offer support throughout the entire cancer journey and the group enables the Black community to express how they feel with people they are culturally aligned with. Fortnightly support meetings are held, where all members come together to catch up and gather relevant information.

Support Line

We will shortly be offering a support line as an alternative to our face-to-face group sessions.

Hospital Visits

We can accompany members and those who need it to hospital appointments. Many Black people often don’t lean on family members due to taboos within the community. The provision of this service allows us to support individuals on their journey by helping them to communicate effectively with their healthcare providers.

Nutritional advice

From Me to You can provide access to an Oncology dietician to advise our members on culturally specific beneficial food sources. Not only do we signpost the individual to a nutritionist that is aligned with their needs, we can also accompany members on nutritionist visits if needed.


We have successfully organised panel discussions as part of our ‘Cancer Loss of Identity Series’. These not only involve those with cancer but the whole community.


We provide workshops. Our workshops are based on training and awareness with a facilitator or organisation.

Sensitivity Training

We deliver training to medical professionals to help develop their knowledge, skills, and awareness. It focuses on cultural awareness, knowledge, sensitivity, communication, and more. The goal is to enhance professionals’ cultural competence and promote equitable and respectful interactions.

Community Socials

Our socials help members to engage with others who have undergone similar journeys to form new meaningful relationships. This camaraderie aids in helps to rebuild confidence and self-esteem.


From Me to You: The Art of Survival will be releasing a podcast with a renowned celebrity broadcaster who is also a cancer survivor. This will be released in 2024.


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